What does it mean to be a sustainable company?
Sustainability is a very broad concept and a word that is “in fashion” although it is often not used in the most appropriate way. It is usually linked to the environment and caring for the planet, which is true, but that is only one of the three pillars that it involves. The other two: social and economic, are just as important.

Environmental sustainability

Economic sustainability

Social sustainability
Therefore, a sustainable company seeks the most positive environmental, social and economic impact possible. Although it is true that being 100% sustainable is practically impossible, what it is intended is that companies are aware of what their actions imply and that they should have a real commitment to the territory in which they operate in and to the society they are part of.
What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets of the 2030 Agenda were unanimously approved by the 193 States that comprise the United Nations General Assembly in September 2015. It is a proposal for the whole of humanity and not only for governments, or companies, or for some countries, but for all.

Business commitment and leadership are essential to achieve the SDGs, especially from SMEs worldwide. It is possible to transform the economy and markets so that they are sustainable, if we have companies capable of associating economic profitability with the generation of positive social and environmental impacts for people and the planet.

Futural can support you in the adoption and integration of the SDGs in your company and show you the benefits that this alignment can bring.