At Futural, we want every year to be the “International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development” as it was the year 2017 for the United Nations.
The tourism sector, responsible for 7% of world exports, one in eleven jobs, and 10% of world GDP, if properly managed, can foster economic growth, social inclusion and the protection of cultural and natural assets.
Tourism should contribute to the following key areas:
Based in Tenerife, Canary Islands, we are specialized in the tourism development of island destinations, many of which share common problems and are generally highly dependent on natural resources. Therefore, sustainable practices that help protect these limited resources and that benefit and involve the local population must be implemented.
In addition, we have extensive experience working in many countries both in Africa and the Middle East as well as in Latin America and the Caribbean and the Pacific area. We firmly believe in the commitment to equitable international development because only by helping each other and collaborating we will be able to save our planet.
Destination diagnostics
We analyze destinations to make sustainable tourism plans.
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